Friday, March 11, 2016

DNOW Devotion: Acknowledge Him

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6

There are many attributes of God for us to acknowledge; He is good, gracious, righteous, merciful, jealous, and justly wrathful. But how do we acknowledge Him? Through worship.

When we know the goodness of God and reflect on the work He is doing, we respond with worship. When we gather as the people of God, we should have the same passion and purpose.

He cares enough to intervene in our lives.

He has breathed life into our death.

He has saved us from ourselves.

Where we chose rebellion and death, He graciously gave reconciliation and life.

This is why we sing.

He has been at work in our world since the beginning of time, He has been at work in our lives since He knit us in our mother's wombs, and the proper response for us is to fall on our knees and worship Him.

Focus on Him.

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